My Little Corner of the World

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First Peter Bible Study

When I was in school, I never really cared for those English classes where you were assigned a book to read and then you had to interpret it. I loved to read, just never really liked having to figure out what the author was trying to tell you, trying to figure out the plot, the characters, and all that other stuff teachers liked to torture you with.

Since becoming a Christian almost 13 years ago, I have read through the Bible a few times now and have spent many hours of group study with other ladies at our church. But study the Bible on my own? Too intimidating for me!

However, I know that in order for me to continue to grow in my relationship with Christ, I really need to start taking the time to study the Bible on a more consistent basis. I was so glad to get an e-mail this week with a link for a new Bible study on 1 Peter that is starting up tomorrow.

The Bible study will be a six week study that will cover 6 passages from 1 Peter, rather than the whole book of 1 Peter. Now, this sounds like something I can do! Want to join me?