Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 5

You may have noticed that I am taking my time on this Kickstart to Clutter Free eCourse.  The duration of the course is 14 days, but there are no rules saying you have to complete the course in fourteen consecutive days. 

So, what are we tackling on Day 5? The kitchen cupboards...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5
Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5
Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5

At first glance, I was thinking (and you might be thinking), "Hmm, the cupboards aren't too bad." But once I started getting into the one set of cupboards next to my oven, I knew I was in trouble.

I pulled everything out, shelf by shelf, and was so surprised when I found items with dates like this:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5

Yes, you are seeing that correctly. An unopened box of graham crackers with a best used date of August 2014!!

One thing I am remembering during this course, I am not the only one who lives in this house. But I have to take some responsibility for the things that come into my house. I do 99% of the grocery shopping.  Which means I should be checking the refrigerator and cupboards before I go shopping. Yes, I did throw away opened boxes of things. You know the ones with just a few crumbs at the bottom that nobody ever finishes (still can't figure out why this happens!)

But with better planning on my part, I can avoid dumping this much stuff from my cupboard:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5

And needless to say, I was able to clear out more than 25 items from my cupboards. After doing a bit of moving some things around, the cupboard next to my oven now looks like this:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5

There is actually empty space now!

Since going through this one set of cupboards took a bit of time, I may tackle the baking and spice cupboards on another day. But next up will be the kitchen drawers...

Be sure to check into Kathi's Kickstart to Clutter Free eCourse if you are wanting to tackle your clutter for good!

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 5

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 4 and a book giveaway!

My 'home office' is more like a desk that I use to 'collect' items to be put away at another time. You know the place, the one where you say, "I'll just put it here 'for now' and put it away later." After lots of 'I'll just put it here for now', this is what my desk looks like:

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 4

And here is the funny's challenge was to remove 50 pieces of clutter from your home office. Want to see what my desk looked like after removing 50 pieces of clutter?

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 4

You might be saying, "Well, that looks better." But I only cleared away about half of what was on my desk!! I really need a better system of handling all of this paperwork...

So, because I didn't want to leave this area half done, I continued on until...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 4

YES!! Ah, NOW it looks so much better! I stopped keeping track of how much I cleared from my desk. It is kind of embarrassing that there were more than 50 items on my desk that needed to be somewhere else.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 4

But fortunate for my readers, I did find a few items I have acquired which I have duplicates of. So I will be doing a few giveaways!

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 4

First up, a brand new copy of Hope Rising by Dr. Scott Todd. Just post a comment below and I will draw a winner on Monday, January 18th (giveaway limited to residents of the United States).

And if you are wanting to participate in this Kickstart to Clutter Free Challenge? You really need to purchase Kathi's eCourse. She is such a great motivator to helping you along this journey. I hope you consider it!

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 3

Today's area from Kathi's eCourse is one that I usually don't have too much trouble keeping clutter free. The kitchen counter top...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

But then again, on this particular day, I was able to find homes for 19 things that really don't need to live on my counter.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

Once I put each of these items away (and a few items ended up in the giveaway box), I cleared the remaining items off the counter and cleaned all the surfaces.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

This is another before picture, but I wanted to show this to point out one thing. See the bananas hanging? Years ago, we put a large cup hook under the counter to keep the bananas off the counter. Honestly, I believe it helps keep the bananas from getting too ripe too quickly. Every now and then, we have a stray banana that doesn't like to stay with the group. Today, I gave that stray banana a new home...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3 the freezer! This will be a great way to have ripe bananas on hand for smoothies or banana bread, yum!

So what did the counter look like once I was done with this challenge?

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

Ah! And this took me no more than 15 minutes to acheive! 

Now some people might ask why my KitchenAide mixer is still on my counter? I use that thing every single week, and I really don't have the cabinet space to store it. Plus, I don't know if you have ever lifted one of those things, but they are heavy! I would rather have it on my counter and use it, than continually have to lift it out of a counter which might prevent me from using it as often.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 3

The great thing about a challenge like this is we are able to tweak somethings to suit our own individual needs.

Stay tuned for Day 4!

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 2

Today's area of focus from Kathi was 25 items from the surfaces in your bedroom...and I knew exactly what area I needed to tackle...and I am so embarrassed to post this photo of what the top of my dresser has looked like for way too long...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 2

 I started by taking everything off the dresser and immediately throwing away the garbage (that padded envelope on top of the wooden jewelry box? the date on it was September 2014!) Once everything was off the dresser, the next step was...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 2

...DUST!! Yep, that is disgusting, ew...

One thing I knew I needed to tackle was all the long necklaces I have acquired. So I enlisted the help of my handy son who put together a necklace hanger for my closet. With a few wooden door knobs and a scrap piece of wood from our garage, I now have this...

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 2

...a perfect place to store all of my long necklaces!

Before I put things back on top of my dresser, I dusted everything off and determined whether it was a keeper or a giveaway item. Then I started putting things back in their new places.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 2

And here is the after! I can't even believe that this is actually the top of my dresser!

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 2

If this doesn't convince you to give Kathi's method a try, I am not sure what will! I still have 12 days to go on this challenge and will be sharing with you the before and after as I go through each step.

Stay tuned for Day 3!

Kickstart to Clutter Free - Day 1

There is nothing like traveling on a Compassion trip to realize how filled our homes are with stuff.

Now don't get me wrong...there are 'things' in my home that I love:

My piano that I learned to play on many years ago...

My library of books that give me an opportunity to sit with a cup of tea...

My KitchenAide mixer that helps me prepare many baked goods for my family and friends...

My family photos which remind me of many memories...

But there are many things in my home that distract me and cause me grief:

The piles of paper...

The unorganized craft items...

The clothes in my closet I haven't worn in years...

One book, though, has truly helped me look at clutter in my home with new eyes...

Clutter Free by Kathi Lipp 

After I read this book over the summer, I immediately cleared out a full bookcase of books. For people who know me in real life, they know that this was a huge step for me! 

So last week, when I learned that Kathi has launched a Kickstart to Clutter Free eCourse, I knew I wanted to sign up!

Kickstart to Clutter Free

Her promise is to help you remove 500 things from your home in 14 days.

Today, I tackled Day 1 of the course...remove 100 pieces of paper!

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 1

I had quite a collection of sales flyers from Christmas sales that needed to be tossed.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 1

The bulk of the paper in our home is contained in these files. Old bills. Yep, I had old bills in these files from 2011.

Kickstart to Clutter Free Day 1

I started to shred these old bills and other paper items with our address on them...well, that is until the shredder started to overheat and stopped working, yikes! Guess I need a better system to handling these old bills.

The good news though...Day 1 of this Kickstart to Clutter Free challenge has been a success!! Over 100 pieces of paper are now in the recycle bin, phew!

So tomorrow, Day 2, the challenge is to remove 25 things from my bedroom.

Do you think this challenge is for you? Be sure to check out Kathi's web site. She can help you clear the clutter from your home so you can have more time and resources to focus on things you love.