My Little Corner of the World

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August Compassion Share & Tell

After writing the Letter Writing Inspiration post for the Compassion blog last week, I knew I wanted to write some encouraging words to my Compassion kids this month, but at first, I wasn't really sure what to write. Then I remembered, I had seen some encouraging quotes in my Twitter feed from the Global Leadership Summit over the last couple of days. Godly leaders encouraging with powerful words. Just the words my Compassion kids need to hear. Here is my letter to Felix:

Hola Felix!

"Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." - Psalm 62:2

Today, I want to encourage you to trust in God in all things. Sometimes, there are things that happen in our lives that may cause us to doubt God's love for us. But I want to remind you  that He loves you so much, and He has great plans for your life.

There is a big conference going on in our country right now, and a lot of godly leaders are sharing powerful words. Here are a few to encourage you:

"God made you on purpose for a purpose." - Bill Hybels

"Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles." - Wilfredo De Jesus

"If God has called you to do it, He will qualify you for it." - Jim Mellado

I pray you continue to grow in your relationship with Jesus, study hard at school, and know that I am praying for you each and every day"

Love always, Yvonne

With my letter to Felix, he is also receiving a birthday card! His birthday is in November and he will be turning 7 years old. At our local Walgreen's I was able to find a birthday card in Spanish for him!

Another thing I am mailing with all of my letters this month is the photo with the scripture pictured above. The photo is from a recent day trip to one of the lakes in our area. I took the photo with my iPhone, so I imported it into one of my photo editing apps and added the scripture. Then I uploaded the photos to our local Walgreen's and had them printed for each of the kids. The photos are 8" by 8", so they were a little more expensive than just a 4" by 6" print. But I love the way they turned out and hope the kids are encouraged by the verse.

Would you like to share this photo with your sponsored children? I have uploaded the photo to my Google Docs, and I am giving my blog readers the opportunity to download this photo and share it with their own sponsored children! Click on this link to access the photo.

Be sure to take some time this month to write to your Compassion sponsored children. They love receiving letters from their sponsors!