My Little Corner of the World

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July Compassion Share & Tell

Things have been a little (okay, a lot!) quiet here on my blog over the last few weeks. I needed a bit of a blogging break because we had a lot going on in real life. Next week, I hope to share with you about our trip to Colorado. But today, I wrote to my Compassion kids and want to share with you what I wrote to them this month.

This month, because things have been so busy, I decided to use Compassion's online letter writing option. In order to write a letter online, you just need to sign into your Compassion accountOnce you have signed in online, you should see an option on the left side of the page to 'Write My Child'. Click on that link, then a new page will come up showing your current Compassion kids.

One nice thing about writing to your child online, there is a 'duplicate this letter' option. By choosing this option, you can basically write the same letter to all of your children, and just make minor adjustments for name, gender, and any specific things you want to add for each child.

Here is my letter to Lina:

Hello Lina!

I hope you and your family are doing well! I have been enjoying your letters with the details of your neighborhood and the details about you. In fact, you and my daughter are the same height, 5'2" tall!

Here is a verse I would like to share with you:

Psalm 1:1-2 - "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."

Do you have a favorite book of the Bible? I really like the book of Esther, but right now, I have been reading through the book of Psalms. I love being reminded to praise God in all things, and to remember to spend time reading the Bible.

Have you done anything fun during your summer vacation from school? My kids and I were able to take a trip to the state of Colorado. We even took a train ride to the top of one of the highest mountain peaks while we were there. The mountain is called Pike's Peak. I have included a picture of us below.

How is your family? I think about you and your family often, and I pray for all of you often.

I want to remind you that you are a special blessing to me and my family, and that God believes you are a special young lady. Continue to do well in school and learn as much as you can about God and His plans. He has a special purpose for your life and I pray you know how much He loves you.

Sending my love and hugs!

Next month, I will be sure to do handwritten letters to the kids because I keep finding great ideas on Pinterest and fun stickers to mail to them.

Have you written to your Compassion child this month?