Day Trip and a New App

We haven't had much rain around here this season. So when we had a storm move through here earlier this week, I was a bit excited that one of my favorite day trip locations might actually have received a bit of snow. I was hoping there was enough snow to be able to take my iPhone and my DSLR along to capture some incredible photos.

So with a couple of friends and their children, we made the drive to Yosemite yesterday. We took along layers of clothing, expecting it to be a bit on the chilly side and possibly see some snow on the valley floor.

Unfortunately, the snow that fell on Tuesday had no chance of lasting with our warm spring temperatures. Even though we didn't see any snow in Yosemite Valley, the tops of the towering granite mountains had enough snow to add just a bit of a reminder that it really is still early spring.

On our way out of the park, we did stop at one of my favorite spots to take a photo:

Before photo, straight from my iPhone with no edits and no filters

Before photo, straight from my iPhone with no edits and no filters

Once I arrived back home, I took a bit of time to edit this photo with a new photo editing app:

After photo, edit done with Enlight

After photo, edit done with Enlight

What app did I use? I have been experimenting with Enlight. Not sure how I found out about this app, but I am loving all of the features of this app. Now, I am not usually one to pay for an app, but because I love photography, I decided the price was worth it.

On the Enlight blog and their Facebook page, they are starting to share some tutorials on how to use some of the features contained in the app to help you create some incredible images.

If you give Enlight a shot, be sure to tag me in one of your photos on Instagram. I would love to see what you create!



Compassion in Colombia

What do you think of when someone mentions the country of Colombia?

I would have to say that most people don't have a very positive view of Colombia. This was very evident to me whenever I would share about my trip to Colombia. A lot of people were very concerned that I was traveling to Colombia, and that I was traveling without any other family members.

But I have to tell you, I fell in love with the country and its people!

sunset in Colombia
love these kids in Colombia!

We learned quite a bit about Colombia and the work that is being done through the local churches in partnership with Compassion while we were there for our week. A lot of positives to contradict so much negative. Lots of smiling faces which show me that God is working and making a difference in the lives of so many children and their families.

Compassion has been working in Colombia since 1974 and is currently serving more than 62,200 children through 235 child development centers. (Source: Compassion Colombia Facts)

While we were in the country, we were given a pretty neat little pamphlet with some interesting facts that set Colombia apart from many other countries in the world! In fact, do you know that:

  • Colombia has 733 species of amphibians which makes them #1 in the world
  • The world's largest emerald mine is in Boyaca, Colombia
  • Colombia has 1200 rivers and 1600 lakes
  • Hakim valve, gas powered iron, pacemaker, and contact lenses for babies are a few of the inventions that have come from Colombia
  • 1515 species of birds live in Colombia

Over the next few posts, I will be sharing more about our week in Colombia, visiting the local churches, and helping you see that God is working in these communities to help more people know about Him and the love He has for each one of them.

17 Mile Drive

Do you have a least favorite season? Mine is winter.

Contrary to popular belief, the sun is not always shining in California. Especially in the Central California Valley in winter.

a typical foggy California winter morning

We have quite a few foggy days here, and sometimes a week can go by without us seeing blue skies and sunshine.

Because I love getting a healthy dose of natural vitamin D (aka. sunshine!) on a regular basis, I knew, after a week of hardly seeing any sunshine, I needed to find some, somewhere!

So last weekend, my gracious husband decided to put some projects on hold and treat me to a day out on the California coast. We decided to try to find a deli (we found an amazing one!), pick up some sandwiches for lunch, and head over to 17 Mile Drive along the Pacific coastline.

It was an incredibly gorgeous day!

beach along 17 mile drive
the lone cypress tree along 17 mile drive
Pacific Ocean off 17 mile drive

Once we finished driving (and stopping at many spots!) along 17 Mile Drive, we headed down to Point Lobos to do a little walking around before dinner.

view from our hike at Point Lobos

It truly amazes me how many beautiful spots there are in California! 

Where do you like to go for day trips in your area?

My California board on Pinterest

Do you know about the map feature on Pinterest? I knew about it, but really hadn't done anything with it until this week.

Bass Lake in California

Right now, I have 30 pins on my California Pinterest board. This week, I went through and added the location to each of my pins. I have to say, it is really cool to see all of the locations on a map on my Pinterest board. And we have visited each of the destinations at least once. I know there are many more locations I can pin on this board, so if you live in California, or if you plan on visiting California, or if you are looking for field trip ideas in California, be sure to follow my California Pinterest board

Do you have a Pinterest board with a map?